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Showing posts from July, 2017

Peter and Simon in the Acts of Peter: A Supernatural Fight between Magic and Miracles

Note: This paper is provided here to make the information within publicly available. Should you require data for a footnote, then it was originally given at EABS, Thessaloniki 2011 by Kasper Dalgaard. A full article on the subject has appeared in   Studies on Magic and Divination in the Biblical World , Biblical Intersections 11 (Ed. H. R. Jacobus, A. K, de Hemmer Gudme & P. Guillaume). Gorgias Press, Piscataway, N.J., 169-181 Peter and Simon in the Acts of Peter: A Supernatural Fight between Magic and Miracles   Introduction Including magic and the supernatural seems an almost sure way of writing a blockbuster – the best examples include the Harry Potter and Twilight series. Yet the second century text Acts of Peter remains almost unknown and as far from a blockbuster as possible – even though it treats the reader to a furious and fantastic supernatural combat between the champions of God and Satan – a campaign of battles that would baffle most dedicated

Petersakterne: Dæmonologi for begyndere

Note: This paper is provided here to make the information within publicly available. It was given as an introduction to the following article: Dalgaard, Kasper: " Duel på magi og mirakler i antikkens R om ” in Bibliana 2012:2, Bibelselskabet, København Dæmonologi for begyndere - dæmoner og mirakler i Petersakterne og Salomons Testamente I forbindelse med et arrangement i sidste uge fortalte en vis professor mig at min hjerne "fungerer sjovt." Forhåbentligt var det sagt med et glimt i øjet, men det er nok noget om udsagnet hvilket samtidigt er årsagen til at sjove eller skæve tekster tiltrækker mig. I denne omgang har jeg haft mulighed for at beskæftige mig med ikke blot én men to tekster der mildt sagt indeholder mange skæve indslag. Disse er Petersakterne og Salomons Testamente. Petersakterne kan I læse meget mere om i det nye nummer af Bibliana hvor min artikel netop handler om dette skrifts meget udtalte kritik af magi – altså brug af en mag